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The 2015 Walk

The 2015 Walk took place the week of May 16th to 22nd.

The following is a synopsis of how things went:


  • Day 1: The walk commenced at 5:40 am at the Adonai Lodge #718 in Highland, NY.  There was a flash of lightning and a boom of thunder and I was off.  The rain lasted an hour and a half  and I was soaked.  I walked a total of 36 miles and made it to Platt Cove Rd. in Tannersville, NY.  I spent that night sleeping on a rock and was too tired to do anything other than crawl into my sleepingbag.  And of course, it rained that night.

  • Day 2: I reached Camp Trimount in East Jewett at 10:30 am, refilled my water bottles, and continued on my way through the Catskills of Greene County.  I made it as far as East Durham that evening after 31 miles and unrolled my sleeping bag in the woods next to a cemetary.

  • Day 3: Sunny & hot!  I did a total of 30 miles and spent the night at the Cyprus Shrine Center in Glenmont, NY.  A college friend met me and brought me ice cream, sunscreen and aloe vera gel for my sunburned legs.  I was set to spend the night outside but a fellow Noble opened the Shrine Center for me and l was able to be indoors.  It rained that night and I was grateful.

  • Day 4: Another sunny & hot one.  I headed east, crossed the Hudson and reached New Lebanon, NY where I spent the night in a UHaul trailer.  There was a severe thunderstorm that night and I was glad to be under cover. Along the way to New Lebanon I stopped at a Stewarts to use the bathroom and freshen up and when I came back out, there was a dollar on my stroller.  Someone thought I was homeless.  The dollar went to the kids.  I also got a flat on my stroller near the end of the day which made it pull to the left for the rest of the Walk.

  • Day 5: I enetered Hancock, MA that morning and proceeded to walk to Beckett, MA where I was to spend the night with friends.  My directions had me take a wrong turn with 3 miles to go that day (my friends road doesn't come up on Google) which resulted in a 5 hour, 9 mile detour. My friends managed to find me at 6:45 pm and brought me to their house for a warm shower, a hot dinner and a comfortable bed.  

  • Day 6: The day started with a 4 mile uphill leg and then it was downhill after that. I had an easy day walking only 20 miles to Russell, MA where I spent the night by the Russell Cemetary hiding behind the vault.

  • Day 7: An early start (3:56 am) as I was awakened by rain hitting me in the face.  I staggered to a nearby gas station, got some coffee, and waited for the sun to come up.  I reached the Shriners Hospital for Children in Springfield at 11:50 am completing the Walk.  I had a nice lunch in the cafeteria and met with the hospitals PR person who gave me a ride to my hotel.  My wife arrived later that evening.


  • In total, the 2015 Walk took 7 days and I covered 198 miles. 


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