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The 2016 Walk

The 2016 Walk took place from May 18th to the 26th.  The following is a synopsis of what took place along the way:

  • Day 1 - I set out at from Adonai Lodge #718 F&AM in Highland, NY at 5:36 am. During the course of the day I was met by several friends along the way (one of whom passed me in her school bus who gave me 4 blasts with the horn in greeting, scaring the heck out of me) and I had 2 women sign on as sponsors. I reached the Catskill Lodge in Athens, NY at 7:10 pm after covering a total of 43 miles.  I then set up my tent and collapsed for the night. 

  • Day 2 - The day went fairly smoothly.  I had 3 people stop me and sign on as sponsors and a couple of friends passed me on the road and gave me light honks with their horns.  I arrived at the Cyprus Shrine Center at 3:11 pm after doing 25 miles.  I knew there was going to be a small gathering and BBQ for me that evening and wanted to get some rest in before people arrived.  I literally face-planted in the lawn and, 20 minutes later heard a voice that I recognized as a friend from college.  After telling her I wasn't getting up ( I didn't think I could) I heard a second voice which turned out being a reporter from Time Warner Cable News, then I had to get up (to be honest, I only made it to a sitting position).  I was interviewed for over an hour and there was a nice piece in TWC as a result.  That evening about 30 people from Cyprus, plus my wife and 3 kids, came by for an evening of fellowship.  I lasted until about 8:30 before my batteries gave out.  The Cyprus Shrine had gotten me a room at a nearby hotel so I was able to get a shower and had a great nights sleep.

  •  Day 3 - I set out at 6 am and by 7 I had crossed the Hudson and was heading east.  My wife and daughter found me around 8:30 and brought me some breakfast.  As I was giving my wife a hug, my daughter ran out onto Rt 20 to retrieve my stroller which had rolled into traffic.  The ironic thing is that while she was doing something good, people that witnessed her probably thought that she was the worlds worst mother chasing her baby stroller into traffic.  I continued east that day and made it to New Lebanon, NY where I spent that night in my tent. I did a total of 30 miles.

  • Day 4 - I started my day with a stop at the New Lebanon Stewarts for coffee.  There was a group of men there that I asked directions from to take a shortcut avoiding Pittsfield, MA.  To my surprise, this was the same group that I asked directions from last year.  After successfully navigating the shortcut, I continued on Rt 20 to Beckett, MA (27 miles) where I stopped for the night.  On my 2014 walk I met a young woman (Jenna) in Beckett who literally saved me that year and has since become a friend.  I stayed with Jenna and her husband  Brett  and son that night.  They grilled burgers and then we all went out for ice cream.

  • Day 5 - It was a lovely day to be walking through the Berkshires.  I met a guy along the way who told me that he has a website about Rt 20 and he asked if he could take my picture and post it on his site.   I reached Westfield, MA around 5 that evening after a 30 mile day and  I contacted  fellow Shriner (Dan) who had invited me to stay at his house.  After a hot shower I was taken out to dinner by Dan and his wife Janine and we were joined by two other Shriner couples.   They also made arrangements for me to meet up with another Shriner (Mike) the following night.

  • Day 6 - It was a rainy morning but I had the luxury of being able to wait for the worst to pass before starting out.  I was expected to arrive at the Springfield Hospital at 10 am and it was only about 5 miles away.  I did get caught in a downpour but it really wasn't too bad.  I was met about a mile shy of the hospital by the Shriner (Frank) who had greeted me and arranged the grand welcome by teh Melha Shriners in 2014.  I was escorted to the hospital and was met there by the hospital staff and several members of the Melha Shrine.  I was again treated like royalty and also treated to lunch.  After lunch I was back on the road and continued on to Palmer, MA (I did a total of 22 miles that day).  Mike found me around 5 and brought me to his house for the night.  He and his wife (Michelle) fed me like a king and I stayed in their camper.

  • Day 7 -  My day started with Michelle loading me up with provisions and driving me back into Palmer. This was a long day making my way east along Rt 20 to Worcester, MA.  I stayed on 20 because I was told that Rt 9 was a very unsafe road to walk on.  I have to say that Rt 20, was no picnic at times, especially walking through Oxford during rush hour. I reache dWorcester after a 34 mile trek and spent that night snuggled up (aka passed out) in my tent.

  • Day 8 - To be honest, this was a rough one but it turned out okay in the end.  My goal was to reach Weston that evening.  By the middle of the day I felt like I was done but I managed to continue on until I reached Weston around 4.  I had googled the area before I set out and located a wooded area that I could set up my tent in.  I found the area and was settled in my tent when, after 30 minutes, I heard a stick snap outside.  I realized that I was about to get a visit from the police.  What I thought was an area of woods on public land turned out being private property.  I packed up my gear and the police (2 officers) took out the phones and helped me find a place that I could camp for the night about a mile and a half further down the road.  I wasn't thrilled about more walking (I had already done 31 miles) but it beat getting run in.  I had gone a mile or so when a car pulled over, a guy got out and said "You're Eric, I found you" ( I didn't know I was lost).  It turns out he was a Shriner (Robert) from the Aleppo Shrine in Wilmington, MA and word had gone out to keep an eye out for me.   Robert invited me to spend the night at his house in Natick so after wrestling my stroller into his car, off we went.  I was treated to another hot shower and the taken out to dinner.

  • Day 9 - Robert brought me back to Weston to start my day.  I continued along 20 for about 12 miles until I reached the Boston Commons where I rested for about 30 minutes.  I contacted the Boston hospitals PR Director (John) and let him know that I would arrive shortly.  I made it to the hospital at noon where I was met by members of the Hospital staff and the Potentate from the Aleppo Shrine (Ted).  My wife arrived a little while later and we were traeted to lunch and given a personal tour of the hospital by John.  My nephew Matt, his wife Heather and their 2 little girls also came to the hospital to welcome me.


  • In total I walked for 8 1/2 days and did a total of 256 miles.  I spent 3 nights camping out in my ten, did one night in a hotel, and spent 4 nights with friends old and new.  

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